Wednesday, April 20, 2011

7 habits of those with a strong memory.

Quoted from Preventio, this is 7 simple habits they are able to remember the strength you can apply daily to improve the ability of the brain, as follows:

1) Stay away from alcohol-This is because alcoholic beverages can damage the nervous system that connects the cells in the brain ~ pirates at one point at a charity!

2) WATCH TV no more than ONE HOUR a day. Obtained from the survey on those strong memories about watching him when they watch TV they will watch programs scholarly ~ please la fertilizer in your children to reduce TV k is the k scholarly plan (if you want your child It is a strong memory)

3) READ THE NOVEL-(Nie I loikee hehehe:). By reading the novel, will make our brains thinking to presume that will happen in the ape in the story. This will help the brain activity of all cells to function and make it active.

4) Always-nyilangkan and cross-linking ability of the brain-nyambungkan data will continue to increase when the data is entered into it to connect to one another. By connecting-plug like that, the data will be saved and planted in the brain stronger.

5) EAT FISH-Fish is a source of proteins that function regenerate dead cells. The cells also need to regenerate the brain. Some types of fish such as salmon and sardines contain omega 3 which is very good for the development of brain cells and the ability to remember someone. ~ OMEGA GUARD is also good for strengthening the memory.

6) tea or coffee, tea or coffee contains caffeine which causes the heart and brain work to keep awake, and work better. But do not be excessive because it can cause death. So enough k!

7) Always make a note in a journal or small notes in general that data into our brains will probably remain in the brain or simply disappeared. But if the data we write in a notebook, then we can refer back to when remember. Recorded deed or writing the notes was to improve the ability of the brain to memorize up to 20 percent.

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